NDD Reporter

 New Democratic Dimensions      

Volume 1, Issue 1

March 1st, 2001

'Celebrating it's 20th Anniversary in 2001'

NDD Leads off 2001 Activities with

Congressional Update Breakfast

NDD is committed to retaking the House and Senate in 2002, and our breakfast on February 12th was the first of a monthly series, Congressional Updates the View from Washington. It was an outstanding event and proved to be both highly informative and an insider view to Washington D.C. politics. A number of topics were covered and both Congressmen fielded questions from the audience.

Congressman Ed Towns gave an eloquent presentation while providing a brief synopsis of the committees on which he sits in the House. Of particular interest was the amount of tax dollars wasted by having many different committees investigate the same thing. He referenced the investigation of President Clinton which occupied the efforts of fourteen different committees in the House at the cost of over fifty million taxpayer dollars. All this yielded very little about the President’s supposed criminal activities. To date the only thing proven is the Lewinsky affair but I doubt we needed to spend that amount of

money on such a minor charge of wrongdoing. He also pointed out that the current investigation of the Marc Rich pardon would prove to be a waste of tax money as well. When asked about the pending tax cut Representative Towns responded by saying we should pay down the deficit before embarking on a major tax cut program.

It was very apparent a large number of those present were concerned about the past Presidential election and Congressman Towns acknowledged the illegitimacy of the present White House occupant. He also pointed out that the press has given Bush a free pass. In the same vein was the media’s coverage of protestors in Washington D.C. for the inauguration which was played down by our own news outlets but covered in depth abroad. There was a question about how the Democratic Party will reach out to university students whose political awareness has been raised to new levels by the election. Both Congressmen expressed the

need to start bringing more young people into the party.

Congressman Crowley talked about school vouchers, saying they would devastate the poor school districts instead of helping them as Republicans claim. Representative Crowley also described what happened at a recent Democratic retreat when President Bush showed up to answer Democrats questions. Mary Pelosi nailed the President on the topic of abortion and RU486. Bush could hardly answer her questions about his intentions concerning these two issues. He was apparently stumped as to what current policies were and what effect his recent ban on monies going to family planning clinics abroad would be.

After breakfast there was ample time to meet with the Congressmen individually. Most of those attending took the opportunity to speak personally to the Representatives.

Our next Breakfast is on March 13th.


NDD Sponsors Holiday Party with NYS Democratic Committee

Our final event in December, 2000 has truly become a tradition for the NYS Democratic Party. The location was the Waldorf Astoria, the attendance approached 700 leaders and activists in the State Party, and the fundraising total approached $250,000.

This event was launched six

years ago at a small reception at the Southgate, and has grown in size and importance ever since. It is NDD’s way of supporting the NYSDC, with all funds raised going to the State.

It was really a who’s who of NYS Democratic politics, and of course led on by our NYS Democratic Chair Judith Hope.

NDD’ers Tom Acosta, Howard Teich, and Midge Longley spoke for NDD, as we opened the program, and among those from NDD who attended were Board members Maxine Montano, Simon Taylor…

We look forward to this year's event.

Federal Hall Demonstration 12/4/00

A Word From the Chair

        Thomas Acosta     Howard Teich

         Chair                     Founder-Chair

Twenty years ago, New Democratic Dimensions was formed when a group of staff and volunteers from the 1980 Carter-Mondale for President campaign were committed to staying involved in the political system year-round, supportive of the Democratic Party.

Throughout the years, NDD has held major policy forums, given visibility to local and national Democratic leaders, involved itself in activities supportive of the Democratic Party, and reached out to a broad spectrum of activists interested in the political and governmental process. We even coined the term New Democrat at our 1986 National Conference and initiated local cable debates of Democratic candidates.

This 20th Anniversary Year promises to be our most exciting ever, as we increase the size and strength of our Board, and Broaden our out

Baseball Season


Carolyn Greenberg is setting in place our NDD baseball for the summer. When we have the details we will let you know. So, get ready for a great time at the old ballpark.

outreach with the launching of NDD-Washington DC. With the increased importance of Congress in the upcoming two years, NDD has initiated in New York a monthly, Congressional Series: Viewpoints from Washington, to give you a direct insight on latest news from Capital Hill. As in past major election years, we will continue our Conversations with Candidates in the Homes of Great New Yorkers, as we have discussions with Mayoral candidates in intimate, extraordinary settings.

NDD will cablecast debates in the local Council manic races, starting in April, and our Task Force structure will be pro-active in speaking out on issues of importance such as campaign finance reform, human rights (including an end to the death penalty and the right of a child to quality education), and privacy protection of the Internet.

We promised to be supportive of the Party twenty years ago, and we continue to be true to our name, creating a new dimension for the Democratic Party. Join our NDD movement now.

In December NDD held a ‘Vigil for American Democracy’ on the steps of Federal Hall down in the Wall Street area, protesting the vote counting process in the Presidential election. It was a fittingly cold December night at the very spot where George Washington was sworn in as our first President. At this location Al Gore started his campaign for president almost one year before. So we held our candles high and listened to speeches from Public Advocate Mark Green. NYC Controller Alan Hevesi, UFT President Randy Wiengarten, CWA President Arthur Cheliotes and a host of others. There were chants and hope abounded that the

hand counts in Florida would be allowed to continue. As we all know those hand counts were stopped by people less concerned about democracy and more concerned about who they wanted in the White House. 


NDD is now moving to action for the battles that lie ahead. In the coming elections we will be at the forefront of information and holding forums so that voters can get to know their representatives. The night of December 4th was the beginning of our commitment to winning back the White House in a fair election.hand counts in Florida would be allowed to continue. As we all know those hand counts were stopped by people less concerned about democracy and more concerned about who they wanted in the White House. NDD is now moving to action for the battles that lie ahead. In the coming elections we will be at the forefront of information and holding forums so that voters can get to know their representatives. The night of December 4th was the beginning of our commitment to winning back the White House in a fair election.

From the Office

Christopher Acosta

Executive Director

I’d like to welcome and encourage everyone to visit our office at 152 Madison Avenue Room 804. The office is my home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30A to 6P most weeks. So please don’t hesitate to stop by and discuss current events or just say hello. We resolve to grow NDD into a major political force here in New York City and beyond. In the coming weeks we will be having events to cover major issues of interest to every voter. We believe an educated voter

is the most dangerous threat to Republicans.

We will also have some fun events information of which is on the second page of this newsletter. Summer brings on baseball and Carolyn Greenberg has the inside info on Mets and Yankee tickets.

The office number is 212.481.7251 give me a call for event info or if there are any issues that you think would be of interest.

Congressional Update:
'View From Washington"

NDD will have another breakfast event on March 13th at Appetito Restaurant. Our guest speakers are Congressman Charles Rangel and Congressman Anthony D. Weiner.


Contact Information

Postal address
152 Madison Ave Suite 804
 New York, NY 10016
Electronic mail
Office: New Democratic Dimensions
Webmaster: NDD Webmaster
What's Ahead for NDD

In the upcoming months there will be many events of interest for NDD members.  Forums in the homes of great New Yorkers, Cable broadcasts of City Council candidate debates, and conferences covering a wide range of issues.  Look for our new website at www.newdd.org in the Fall.

Send mail to nddwebmaster@newdd.org  with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 
Last modified: August 22, 2002